
When we got pregnant, we quickly realized that we needed to divest ourselves of a bunch of stuff. You see, with no plans to move, we had to convert El Hombre’s office/man cave/storage to a nursery. I vividly recall the satisfaction of a cleaner living space, so as the year progresses, I’ve vowed to slowly reduce the amount of things I own.

I’ve discovered that I tend to hang on to clothes and makeup so that was the first thing I groomed. Out goes old exercise clothes, freebie shirts and general things I haven’t worn. In stays well-made, classic pieces.

Next month I’ll go through accessories and shoes. With less stuff junking up my space, the easier it is to put outfits together!

The benefit of slowing down

It’s a bright and beautiful day out, and for once it’s not blisteringly hot down here in Miami. So what’s a girl to do when she can’t walk for more than 10-15 minutes without bone-settling exhaustion? Thanks to all the improvements the hubs has made on our townhouse, I’m enjoying the back patio with the breeze blowing through the banana trees.

Yes, this is real life when you live in the suburbs of South Florida. Something has to make up for the god-forsaken traffic in this place.

If there’s one thing I can say about pregnancy, it’s this. I have learned to slow down. Not because I want to, but because I have to. While I may have a lot of energy to start projects, I move at about a quarter of the pace that I used to. And that’s probably a good thing. I’m less high-strung and anxious about things.

However, there is a downside here. Between this bubbling abundance of creative energy and my addiction to Fixer Upper, I’ve jumped on El Hombre’s bandwagon of renovating our downstairs half-bath. At 32 weeks pregnant. Clearly this is a genius idea, right? Especially since the nursery isn’t done yet. Wish us luck!